Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Dear Georgie Letter

In the spirit of Dear Abby (click the name for the wiki link to learn more about 'Dear Abby' and click HERE for a silly Thanksgiving example of the kinds of letters Dear Abby answers) the United States has turned to America's favorite founding father George Washington for advice on how to deal with other countries.

Here is the letter America wrote to George:

"Dear Georgie,
I recently went through a very violent (some might call it 'revolutionary') break up with my former partner.  We had been together for a looong time but I just couldn't take it anymore.  Should I stay friends with my former partner or break ties?  What should I doooo?

Confused in US of A"

Your task:  Prove that you understand George Washington's Farewell Address by pretending to be George Washington and writing a letter back to 'Confused in the US of A'.  Use your annotated Farewell Address (what we worked on in class) to help you.  Your letter should be in modern, conversational English (not GW's fancy old talk from 1796) and explain Georgie's opinion on what the relationship between the US and other countries (particularly in Europe) should be.

Your letter should have: a greeting to 'Confused in US of A', an explanation of the issue and what the USA should do, and why it is important for them to take his advice (what could happen if the US doesn't?)

DUE DATE: Monday, December 2 - Letter should be posted on your blog!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Political Parties Homework

Tonight for homework, do some research on the main political parties of the United States (as of 2012), which exist because Hamilton and Jefferson disagreed about so many topics and created the idea of a two party government system.

There are six main political parties in the US (click the links to bring you to each party's website):

For each of the parties, you should know: a major leader, big/key issues, a symbol used to represent the party 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Study for Test!

You will have a test on Articles 1, 2, and 3 on the Constitution on Tuesday, November 19th.

You should study all three Articles and the Bill of Rights/Amendments we talked about in class.  If you have a completed study guide, you can pass it in for an extra credit point on your test.

**Note - on the study guide, it asks for Amendment #20 - that is a typo!  You should make sure you know Amendment #19 (Women's suffrage)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Work for 11/13

While I'm out, work on the Constitution study guide, posted HERE

We will review on Thursday and Friday - aiming for a test on the Constitution on Monday!