Thursday, April 24, 2014

April Vacation Homework

**Sorry everyone, I posted this assignment to period 2's blog instead of yours!**

Over vacation, please work on the R.A.F.T. writing assignment, linked HERE

Remember, you must have a ROLE, a AUDIENCE, a FORMAT, and a TOPIC (one from each of the columns).

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

Homework 4/14

Homework for Monday: Read the packet "Soldier Life in the Army of Northern Virginia" by Carlton McCarthy.  At the end of the packet there are three questions - answer the questions on your blog!  (remember to support your answer with evidence from the text!)

Homework from the weekend - using the roughdraft review from class on Friday, write a review on Touchcast and submit it to the appstore.  Make sure you are using proper grammar and that your spelling is correct!

To get to the view page, go to the app's download page (like if you were searching for the app and you were going to download it).  Click on 'Ratings and Reviews' and then 'write a review'.  Write your review and before you officially post your review, take a screen shot.  Then, post your screen shot to your blog as an image.